March 04, 2004

Literary Light on AIDS

Who knew that the Johns Hopkins AIDS Service had a literary corner? It's out there, along with a great Web site full of information about a misunderstood disease that's probably more reviled than anything since leprosy. The listings in the corner are broad, but not too plentiful. Some link to samples, so you can enjoy a devastating stretch of dialogue from Tom Wolfe's "A Man In Full," for example. Another tome I want to read in service of Viral Times.

Last night I began to lay out the plot line for my book, moving from the synopsis to a work sheet. In pencil. I found a set of big presentation tablets hanging in the closet of the study here at Rio Vista, left behind by Ella, who sold me the house. How serendipitous.

March 03, 2004

Not quite baked, this year

We got news here in Texas this morning that we need not apply to the Democratic primary process. John Edwards is dropping out, leaving Kerry an open field to beat Bush in November. (Hopeful headlamps in ON position)

We don't get into the primary voting booths here until next Tuesday, alas. One more year where the biggest state in the Southwest has nothing to say about who might be your president. At least Howard Dean finally won a primary, up in Vermont. His campaign left a message thanking all of us for our support. I sat under the oaks here in Austin last June and hand-wrote letters to Iowa voters on his behalf. It was some of the most fun activism I've ever practiced.

Dean's not done yet, not by a long shot. He's cleaning up his campaign debt quick. From an e-mail in my in-box this morning:

"Things are moving quickly. The Governor, the staff, and supporters across the country are busy planning for the next step in our campaign for fundamental change. As we look forward, however, it’s important that we meet the obligations we’ve taken on already.

"Governor Dean asked for your help retiring over $400,000 in debt – and the grassroots responded. I am pleased to report that we have raised more than $225,000. Only $175,000 remains – with your help we can eliminate this debt and be free to focus our full attention and resources on building the new organization. Please contribute now"

March 02, 2004

What I heard while I saw the light

Spring, the only season in Texas that dares to rival summer, has arrived here. After we've been teased with sunshine yesterday, today brings fog and drizzle. But the temperatures suggest nights with the windows open. In Austin, I prop ours up overnight, and hear geese squawking in the earliest of dawn, that half-baked morning light.