March 27, 2005

Made Up Miles on a Blustery Easter

It might not have been the most religious way to spend an Easter Morning. But Ron W. and I felt the spirit of the holy chain under our seats when we pounded pedals through a 20 MPH wind, a real norther. We got shut out of our "Georgetown Breakfast Club" training ride earlier this month. So when the skies dried up we headed for the Williamson County seat. We didn't have pancakes at the Monument Cafe. Sundays can be a little too leisurely at that diner for bike riders. The Breakfast Club is the only training ride on the Hill Country Ride that features a meal in the middle. Ron and I settled for a couple of budget tacos and some vending machine cappucino at a little strip-mall eatery, just inside Georgetown's city limits.

It's not easy to ride 19 miles in Texas on a Sunday and not pass a church driveway, but we almost managed it, until we hit the strip mall. The Church of the Rock was in full session. We thanked the Buddha and our gods for catching our breath, then headed back. The wind whipped us along, even carrying us up the shorter hills, after it had laughed in our faces on the northward route. We pedalled right back because I had an afternoon invite to Fonda San Miguel, where for $35 and a couple of hours' wait you could eat some of the best interior Mexican cuisine in Austin. A brunch that was Mucho Gusto, to be sure.


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