Round That Mountain

It was a good turnout, so nearly 100 riders had already pedalled off by the time I'd gotten on the saddle. I led from the rear, sweeping the sagging riders, answering my cell phone as riders and SAG drivers called for help. I helped fix a flat with Ron Wilcox, more field change experience. We had to make up the route along the way after a detour kept us from crossing a railroad track at the appointed location. Improvising, a Walgreens drug store took the place of a more familiar gas station pit stop. Round Mountain is beautiful but really rural, so bathroom options become only bushes for nearly 15 miles of the 43-plus we rode today.

The roads in this part of the Hill Country sport lots of gravel, the kind of soft spots that can lead to spills and road rash afterward. Jacob was nursing along a fresh rash on an elbow as he worked to finish the course. I still haven't spilled that bad in nearly 6,000 miles, but a crash is a part of everybody's ride, given enough miles. Jacob showed great grit in carrying grit around on that elbow all morning.

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